
Count Your Lucky Stars

  • 言情
  • 共34集  |  每集 45分钟
  • 2022年,由未知导演,由主演的国产剧在上线播放,剧情内容还是很不错的,所有演员的演技也是可圈可点,值得观看。具体的简介给大家介绍一下Tong Xiaoyou, a no-n…2022年,由未知导演,由主演的国产剧在上线播放,剧情内容还是很不错的,所有演员的演技也是可圈可点,值得观看。具体的简介给大家介绍一下Tong Xiaoyou, a no-n…Tong Xiaoyou, a no-name rookie designer, received an unexpected recommendation from the headstrong editor Lu Xingcheng. She was selected to represent the "CHIC" magazine in a fashion design competition. Although she was eventually defeated by the gifted Lu Yan, she did find luck in love. Two young and talented men fell in love with her and often offered to help her. After an accidental kiss with Lu Xingcheng, the superstitious Tong Xiaoyou was convinced that they had somehow swapped their fortunes. Seeing how unlucky Lu Xingcheng was, the kind Tong Xiaoyou insisted on giving her good luck back to him by kissing him. However, Lu Xingcheng, who is cold on the outside but passionate on the inside, often felt embarrassed by her advances and kept misunderstanding her intentions.



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