

  • Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos Marina Kalogirou Thodoris Atheridis Nikos Kardonis
  • 120分钟
  • 2017年,由亚尼斯·斯玛拉迪斯导演,由OdysseasPapaspiliopoulosMarina主演的剧情片在上线播放,剧情内容还是很不错的,所有演员的演技也是可圈可点,值得观看。具体的简介给大家介绍一下  Through this…2017年,由亚尼斯·斯玛拉迪斯导演,由OdysseasPapaspiliopoulosMarina主演的剧情片在上线播放,剧情内容还是很不错的,所有演员的演技也是可圈可点,值得观看。具体的简介给大家介绍一下  Through this…  Through this film our aim is to promote the fascinating personality of Nikos Kazantzakis, as well as the enchanting scenery of Greece that molded him into the man he became. The great Cretan writer used to say that his life was defined by his travels and his dreams. This is exactly what the director is planning to achieve with this film; His journeys to Germany, Austria, Russia, France and Mount Sinai and through these experiences, to also show his philosophical and metaphysical quests.



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